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1 665999 MILESTONE IN $139,000.00 SFH 20-98073 Nice starter home or invest 529 Mahoning St., Milton,Milton Terry McLaughlin
2 658874 OWENS $219,900.00 SFH 20-97537 This Property being sold AS 1289 White Hall Rd., Turb,Turbotville Terry McLaughlin
3 665929 CLASSIC QUAL $449,000.00 SFH 20-98020 Beautifully remodeled ranch 691 Stamm Road, Milton,Milton Raymond Beachy
4 665731 JONES $282,500.00 SFH 20-97905 Beautifully kept Mifflinbur 600 Green St., Mifflinbur,Mifflinburg Terry McLaughlin
5 655753 $95,000.00 LOT 20-95451 PARTIALLY WOODED LOT LOT No.35 MEADOW RUN Driv,Winfield Sabra Karr
6 655668 $1,800.00 COMM 20-93903 4100 SQUARE FOOT 4770 PA-405 Route,Milton Sabra Karr
7 665997 STYERS $215,000.00 LOT 20-98072 Nice flat lot near New Colu Old Route 15, New Columbi,New Columbia Terry McLaughlin
8 105066 BROSCIOUS $53,000.00 LOT 20-91062 Land for Sale Lot C22-A Baldwin Blvd,Shamokin Dam Sabra Karr